32.71d - Bridging Cultures: Strategies for Successful Intercultural Communication at AAU
Content and Goal
Navigating intercultural interactions on campus can present unique challenges and opportunities. This workshop is your compass to understanding and excelling in diverse academic environments. The goal is to provide participants with enhanced cultural sensitivity and (self-)awareness and practical tools to develop positive intercultural relationships, both face-to-face and online. This workshop is specifically aimed at new (and international) employees at the University of Klagenfurt. We will focus on the following areas:
- Understanding Intercultural Dynamics
- Cultural Competence and Self-Reflection
- Effective Cross-Cultural Communication
- Interactions in Multicultural Teams
- Promoting an Inclusive Campus Environment
Target group
all university staff
Kurs wurde abgesagt. Es gab nur 2 Anmeldungen. Es wird ein anderer Termin (Ersatztermin) vereinbart und koordiniert werden. Die TN können auf einen anderen Adams-Kurs verwiesen werden.
Course was cancelled. There were only 2 registrations. Another date (alternative date) will be arranged and coordinated. The participants can be referred to another Adams course.